====================== Additional Resources ====================== Sphinx_ The Sphinx home page, including the user manual and links to projects that use Sphinx for their documentation. `sphinx-dev `_ Google group for developers and users of Sphinx. docutils_ The docutils site includes links to `rst reference guides `_ and other tools for working with rst. `Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog `_ A post from my blog covering the tool chain I've built up to produce PyMOTW. `Using Sphinx and Doctests to provide Robust Documentation `_ Chris Perkins' presentation from PyCon 2009 `The source for this presentation `_ This presentation is available on my website in HTML form. The source is hosted on Github_ (https://github.com/dhellmann/pyatl-regex-performance). .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org .. _docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ .. _Github: http://github.com/